5 ways to improve your financial wellbeing

To help alleviate this stress, it is helpful to consider the following 5 steps

In this current climate where the cost of living is at the forefront of much of the population, it is essential that we also consider our financial wellbeing, as well as our mental and physical wellbeing.

It has been proven to be a significant factor that effects the productivity of employees in the workplace, as 37% of employees citing financial wellbeing as a source of stress (according to Champion Health 2023 data).

  1. Understand your goals – Think about why you want to be in a better financial position and really understand what drives this
  2. Set a Budget – Ensure you set a budget and keep to it, as much as possible. A helpful methodology to use is the 50-30-20 rule, whereby you spend up to 50% of your after-tax income on essentials. 20% to be put away as savings and 30% spent on indulgences and treating yourself
  3. Invest from as early as possible – I understand it is very difficult to save in this current climate, but saving little and often can have a very positive effect on your savings balance, without feeling the pinch 4. Ensure you pay into your savings and essentials first – By ensuring money is diverted to your essentials and savings once you get paid, can have a positive impact as you can see how much you have left to spend on non-essentials, before making any impulsive purchases
  4. Erase/Ease Debt – By understanding how much you owe and how to pay off debt you have outstanding, you can start to see how much more you can save for the goals you have set yourself. It also means you are not paying for debt and can earn interest on savings instead

I reiterate that this is a hard time for most of the population however, sticking to these 5 points as much as possible, will help to ease the stress and manage your financial wellbeing, which in turn will help to improve your mental and physical wellbeing.

Please Note

Silver Lining Clothing Ltd do not act as Financial Advisers and this blog is for information purposes only